HAPPY 2012 ....... ALL THE BEST FOR YOU .......
viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011
martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011
lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011
domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011
The Person of the Year
Each year Time Magazine publishes an issue that
features and profiles a person, group, idea, place, or machine that has
done the most to influence the events of the year. This year the
magazine has chosen The Protester.
But it was not fair play and a petition is on the way to claim against unfairness.
This has been the most popular so far (4213 votes)
Which one would you have chosen and why?
Happy 24th birthday, Mr. Manning
Bradley Manney is the United States Army soldier who was arrested in May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of having passed restricted material to the website WikiLeaks.
Behind this aseptical definition, and bearing in mind the risk of being biased, should be recognised the responsability, risk an ethical behaviour in a days those have became unfashionable characteristics.
In November 2009, the Apache helicopter video entitled "colateral damage" was given to Wikileaks. The video shows an attack from an US helicopter to a group disarmed irak civils, and was an evidence of how was managing the war, of perhaps how are manage wars.
But how a 23 year-olded soldier become the most important telltale since Vietnam war? As he said:
The turning point came when he watched a group of detenies he had been told to investigate been taken by Iraki federal police, almost suddenly to be tortured.
"I was actively involved in something that i was completely against"
Daniel Ellsberg, the soldier who leaks Vietnam papers in 1969 talks about his experience:
In my case, it was when finally, when I looked at the origins of the world, there were no legitimal basis to killing vietnames, I began to see all killing as murders, and murders seem to me something that had to be stopped even if it could me imprision to do it.
Bradley Manning has shown his wllness to give his life, his freedom for his country, and you can't be more patriotic than that.
He has been imprisoned and cassified as a "maximum custody detainee". He has been supported by international-amnesty and Human Right Watch, that have accused army of torture. According to some close frineds, he was allowed to kkep one book in his cell, requesting Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.
Nowadays Bradley Manning is being judged by 22 charges, including "aiding the enemy", a capital offense.
Manning was one of 241 candidates listed for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.
sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011
Merry Christmas Queens
Really our Best and wondeful Queens. Queens Real
The Best Queens wish you .....With all our best wishes for Christmas and New Year ....
jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011
Happy 104 birthday, Mr Niemeyer
Despite the conflict between institutions, people involved in the demonstration have focused into the
person, and the birthday, more than in other issues.
Candles, sparklers and mobil phone lights have been shining meanwhile the "happy birthday song" was sung in Spanish and in Portuguese. Inside the square of the museum, a moving film shooted last sunday has been showed, and it has been sent to brazilian media, containing other supporting acts related on the center. The act was ended with a crowded clapping.
The trasatlantic answer!
O Globo brazilian newspaper, in the internet edicion, includes a headline about the Aviles performance:
"Asturians festejan as 104 anos de Niemeyer"
Is sad to read the entire article:
Inaugurado em março deste ano, o Centro Internacional Oscar Niemeyer deixou, hoje, de se chamar assim, e voltará a abrir suas portas, segundo seus novos administradores (o Governo regional) no primeiro trimestre de 2012, com uma proposta bem diferente já que o Governo do Principado de Asturias se mostrou avesso, em diferentes ocasiões, à programação do centro, que chamou de “cultura de tapete vermelho”.
A Administração Regional chegou a criticar o trabalho de personalidades como Julian Schnabel, Jessica Lange e Carlos Saura, cuja obra foi considerada “uma vergonha” pelo diretor de Ação Cultural do Principado, Francisco Crabiffosse. A exposição “Luz”, do famoso cineasta espanhol, foi vista por 40 mil pessoas e arrecadou (7 euros cada entrada) 280 mil euros.
Um dos nomes cogitados para a reabertura do centro cultural é o artista asturiano Amado González Hevia “Favila”. O pintor e escultor foi o número quatro na lista eleitoral, à Câmara dos Deputados, do conservador Foro Asturias, partido fundado por Francisco Álvarez-Cascos, presidente do Principado de Asturias, administrador, a partir de hoje, do centro cultural que funcionará dentro do edifício de Oscar Niemeyer.
This is an sculpture made by "Favila", the artist who is the number 4 in Foro Asturias Alvarez-Cascos party:
And those are Ricardo III theater reports, which was played in the center:
El público agotó en seis horas 3.000 entradas puestas a la venta.
El actor, y también sus compañeros, le arrancaron al público cinco minutos de aplausos cuando se bajó el telón, y de hecho tuvieron que salir a saludar hasta en tres ocasiones porque el público se había quedado con ganas de mucho más.
Serrat se mostró muy ilusionado por poder acudir al estreno «de una representación fantástica» y recalcó la importancia de «tener esta oportunidad única de ver la propuesta de 'Ricardo III' por parte del Old Vic de Londres
TIME December cover : The man of the year: THE PROTESTERS.
Who are they?, where do they come from?... USA, Mexico, Spain, Greece, Egypt..., an international movement that has springing up the Atlantinc and could move to Pacific: today has been published similar movement in the isolated Republic of China, where the 20.000 citizens city of Wukan has rebeled against the landowners and comunist party representant, in order to mantain their lands.
It's surprising how not only companys have been enjoying the privileges of globalization. Nowadays, with the aim of technology, civil society can also play a global role with no borders supported by state laws.
If I only had studied Maths harder!!
The sustainable growth rate according to Robert C. Higgins is the maximum growth rate a company can achieve consistent with the firm`s established financial policy. Basically, it is calculated as:
SGR = (pm*(1-d)*(1+L)) / (T-(pm*(1-d)*(1+L)))
But there is here, in the next video, a hippie that want to change your mind...
SGR = (pm*(1-d)*(1+L)) / (T-(pm*(1-d)*(1+L)))
But there is here, in the next video, a hippie that want to change your mind...
The City overshadowing the city
The City of London deals with dark business overshadowing the real economy in Britain (2.5M unemployed population).
But not only its lack of transparency must worry us. Its aesthetic ugliness is a "lack of respect"-Unesco said-to the World Heritage Tower of London..
But not only its lack of transparency must worry us. Its aesthetic ugliness is a "lack of respect"-Unesco said-to the World Heritage Tower of London..
jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011
OMG!! LEA's home!!
The Royal Xixón LEA's palace has been found.
Close to the seaside.
Surrounding by an amazing environment.
Completely outward-facing apartment.
Pink Painted...
domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011
martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011
domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011
"Cuencas mineras"
This portrait is called “The miner and his family”, and it was painted by Eduardo Úrculo in the 50's. It surprised me because of the cruelty of the image.
Two strong hands are joined to a weak body. The face of the miner, though, is a mixture between resignation and absence.
His wife, despite her weakness, has a defiant look supported by her dignity and her demands.
The child, sitting on the kitchen, tries to be happy by coping with the familiar problems.
This graffiti is painted close to the railway station. It's called “Cuenca Minera”.
This child might be the miner's great-grandson. The family has disappear, and a coloured and disorientated child is in a dark indoor space. Loneliness is everywhere.
This two pieces could be a metaphor of what has happened, and what is happening in the “Cuenca Minera”.
In the 50's, mining industry was a hard and mortal work. This daily drama affected not only the worker but all the family. Women had to have an important role encouraging the housband and taking care the children, mantaining the hope in a better future.
Nowadays, the mining industry has gone, leaving its sons orphans and disorientated.
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011
sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011
To buy or not to buy ... that's the question.Are you a consumer? Tell us our opinion!
sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011
Nowhere Boy - Official Trailer [HD]
Next thursday, Cine Moncayo, 20:15 pm, original version
jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011
lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011
sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011
miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011
HOT NEWS!!! We have a new queen!!
Our warmest congratulations to Queen Paolo and his wife.
All the queens wish you the best of lucks!!
viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011
MTV art
A pregnant artist who wants to give birth in a gallery... What an old-fashioned trend.
MTV has been bradcasting this for years in this two shows:
'MTV's 16 and Pregnant' is an hour-long documentary series focusing on the controversial subject of teen pregnancy. Each episode follows a 5-7 month period in the life of a teenager as she navigates the bumpy terrain of adolescence, growing pains, rebellion, and coming of age; all while dealing with being pregnant.
Each story offers a unique look into the wide variety of challenges pregnant teens face: marriage, adoption, religion, gossip, finances, rumors among the community, graduating high school, getting (or losing) a job. Faced with incredibly adult decisions, these girls are forced to sacrifice their teenage years and their high school experiences. But there is an optimism among them; they have the dedication to make their lives work, and to do as they see fit to provide the best for their babies.
In 16 and Pregnant, they were moms-to-be. Now, follow Farrah, Maci, Amber, and Catelynn as they face the challenges of motherhood.
Each episode interweaves these stories revealing the wide variety of challenges young mothers can face: marriage, relationships, family support, adoption, finances, graduating high school, starting college, getting a job, and the daunting and exciting step of moving out to create their own families.
MTV has been bradcasting this for years in this two shows:
'MTV's 16 and Pregnant' is an hour-long documentary series focusing on the controversial subject of teen pregnancy. Each episode follows a 5-7 month period in the life of a teenager as she navigates the bumpy terrain of adolescence, growing pains, rebellion, and coming of age; all while dealing with being pregnant.
Each story offers a unique look into the wide variety of challenges pregnant teens face: marriage, adoption, religion, gossip, finances, rumors among the community, graduating high school, getting (or losing) a job. Faced with incredibly adult decisions, these girls are forced to sacrifice their teenage years and their high school experiences. But there is an optimism among them; they have the dedication to make their lives work, and to do as they see fit to provide the best for their babies.
In 16 and Pregnant, they were moms-to-be. Now, follow Farrah, Maci, Amber, and Catelynn as they face the challenges of motherhood.
Each episode interweaves these stories revealing the wide variety of challenges young mothers can face: marriage, relationships, family support, adoption, finances, graduating high school, starting college, getting a job, and the daunting and exciting step of moving out to create their own families.
Lady Beckham, that's a convincent point but, what about this?...
(Andy Warhol hadn't ever done anything similar)
Sam Taylor-Wood entitled (obviusly) "El sueño de David". In Spain, Thyssen Museum renamed as "El sueño de Endimión", to take part in the exhibition "Las lágrimas de Eros". This change in name is itself a masterpiece.
Following Greek mithology, Endimión was said the precursor of Olympics games. Other version claims that he was such a handsome shepherd that Selene (Moon Goddess) asked Zeus to let him live for ever. He was grateful with her, so decided to sleep forever. She had been visiting every night. They had 50 daughters.
Guillermo Solana, "El sueño de Eros" curator, should be considered an artist. He achives justify this video in the exhibition, and get a relation between the other pieces.
Tita, worried about Endimión vast family, allowed to sell condoms in the museum shop.
(Tita issued a stunning declaration to the Guardian, in the next link)
Performance artist gives birth in NYC gallery
Is this art, street art, "Ephemeral-amazing things that happen in public spaces" , vandalism or just stupidity?
debate is still on!!
jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011
Don Quixote
Lady Beckam explained the history behind Terry Gillian's "Don Quixote", shooted in Bardenas, in the fermer post; floodings, medical diseases, insurance problems and Nato planes noise...
Orson Welles also pursuited a film based on Cervantes novel. It never could be released due to constant problems with money. Firstly intended as a 30 min report that should be shooted in Mexico, Orson Welles developped the project as a complete movie, now shotted in Spain and Italy and paid by himself. Some scenes are situated in Pamplona!!.
Terry Gillian located Don Quixote in a non temporal environment, perhaps a futurist environment.
Orson Wells also moved Don Quixote in time: to the present.
Must be difficult to imagine Don Quixote nowadays. Being an insane today is not as easy as in the XVIIth century
Enjoy Halloween
My recomendation to be the coolest on this Halloween..
Much more than that Lady Gaga who dares to take a bow to our queen with such a terrible look!!
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011
About Bardenas (II)
Reading the amazing article about Bardenas, I realized Terry Gilliam had been filming a Quijote version in Bardenas.
This desertic landscape has been shooted (filmed) in many movies. But I always recognise Bardenas in "Acción Mutante", where the desert is converted into "Planeta Axturias", a science fictional future planet.
That's the reason why I can't imagine Bardenas as La Mancha. La Mancha always has reminded me flat wheat countryside. Suddenly, mountains, shadows, and an absolute lack of vegetation (Bardena) changes the history into a futurist way, into an timeless non space. Is there where Quixote became an universal history.
If only Terry Gillian had met Pinturitas!!
mad men
Here they are, better late than never!!
Every friday night on Divinity channel.
English version please...... it is a very good exercise!!
jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011
About Bardenas
Financial Times, October 2011
An excellent article about Bardenas...
You can enjoy of this Natural Park, and when you are tired, you will be able to choose the best accomodation for you ... .
BTW, next Bardenas you can enjoy with the Graffitis of a Local Artist (Pinturitas) Modern Art. Not Vandalism... Guess the meaning!
martes, 18 de octubre de 2011
New Queens Party
It's said that last Saturday Night, some Queens ( I would say a little prince, called Prince Doctor), organized a big party in his new garden. At the party were a lot of Queens, but It's said that Prince Harry wasn`t there. Why Prince Harry wasn`t invited? Why? All queens together but he wasn't there....... There was plenty of food, (health food), and Lady Beckham ate a lot and drank a lot of Sidra. Sidra was sended by LEA I, so all were very happy. But now, Lady Beckham is suffering a Big hangover. Please send her some remedy.....
Prince Doctor with the help of Prince the terrible, lit fireworks.... so L B was so happy .....
Suddenly Princess dancer appeared and taugh LB to dance Salsa. Her shoes appeared in Consetidos pub. -
Don't worry LB in few years later you will be ok, and you will be able to dace again, but take care with sidrina.....
Prince Doctor with the help of Prince the terrible, lit fireworks.... so L B was so happy .....
Suddenly Princess dancer appeared and taugh LB to dance Salsa. Her shoes appeared in Consetidos pub. -
Don't worry LB in few years later you will be ok, and you will be able to dace again, but take care with sidrina.....
domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011
domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011
miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011
How was the Royal Meeting?
How was the Royal Meeting?
It is said it was awesome!!!! All Queens together again ..... Cool!!! And The Great Queen with her elegant, wonderful new crown ....
All was so real ......
Wake up!!!!! The course has started .......
Good luck!
It is said it was awesome!!!! All Queens together again ..... Cool!!! And The Great Queen with her elegant, wonderful new crown ....
All was so real ......
Wake up!!!!! The course has started .......
Good luck!
viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011
Next Meeting Queens
Date: Monday 26th September
Time: 19:00Place: EOI Palace
To the meeting will attend The Queen to launch our new Queens year. Please dress code required. There will be choirs who will perform our official anthem.. Due to so real attendance please be punctual. The queen will wear her new crown.
jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011
viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011
The final Countdown
After Summer, all Queens will meet again.
LEA I, is waiting for us....
Good luck for the next year .....
LEA I, is waiting for us....
Good luck for the next year .....
lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011
miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011
Hello Queen's.....
TIME: 19:00 19:15
PLACE: PUB LA CALLE Herrerias Street.
See you ....
TIME: 19:00 19:15
PLACE: PUB LA CALLE Herrerias Street.
See you ....
lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011
George Bush
11-S 10 years later .......
Please, Try to avoid the subtitles, My royal secretary has been unable to delete them.
Just Listen to the ExPresident George W. Bush.
Please, Try to avoid the subtitles, My royal secretary has been unable to delete them.
Just Listen to the ExPresident George W. Bush.
sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011
Some Jokes
Last week I told my psychiatrist, "I keep thinking about suicide." He told me from now on I have to pay in advance.
My wife and I were so happy for twenty years. Then we met.
My wife and I were so happy for twenty years. Then we met.
A Light Lunch in Spain
Mark Bittman and Ferran Adria whip up a tasty dish and talk about what happens next for the famed Spanish restaurant
Lady Beckham, Do you know cook?
We would be happy to try your best recipes...............
Oh, my cook is on holidays..... please, you are invited to visit my palace ..... ;)
Lady Beckham, Do you know cook?
We would be happy to try your best recipes...............
Oh, my cook is on holidays..... please, you are invited to visit my palace ..... ;)
Learning Begins at Home
Learning Begins at Home
An innovative principal in the Bronx uses home visits to introduce his new teachers to their students’ lives and convince parents that the school is taking the child’s future seriously
What do you think about it? Tell us...
miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011
Phrasal Verb --- Exercise ----
Phrasal verb swat up .....
Put the phrasal verbs in the correct sentence and explain their meanings.
1.- Ok chill out dude, there's no need to _________ ___________ a fuss.
2.- But if he doesn't pull his own weight we will have to ______ him ____ of the flat.
3.- We could ask Paolo to live wiht us, he's been ______ing ______ for a long time and he's a nice guy.
a) Kick out b) Kick around c) Kick up
Come on Queens Wake up!!!!!!!!!
Put the phrasal verbs in the correct sentence and explain their meanings.
1.- Ok chill out dude, there's no need to _________ ___________ a fuss.
2.- But if he doesn't pull his own weight we will have to ______ him ____ of the flat.
3.- We could ask Paolo to live wiht us, he's been ______ing ______ for a long time and he's a nice guy.
a) Kick out b) Kick around c) Kick up
Come on Queens Wake up!!!!!!!!!
lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011
After the hurricane........
Probably, I would have gone to the party! and you?
Give up your royal opinion...
Probably, I would have gone to the party! and you?
Give up your royal opinion...
domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011
Taking Irene Lightly in New York
While most bars around Manhattan are closed, Lillie's near Union Square welcomes Irene with a hurricane party.
jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011
Most excellent english question...
Most excellent english question...
1. After ...... is said and done, you are ..... my friend.
a. then/already b. all/still c. that/yet
Which is the correct missing pair?
Try it, It's easy!!!!
1. After ...... is said and done, you are ..... my friend.
a. then/already b. all/still c. that/yet
Which is the correct missing pair?
Try it, It's easy!!!!
miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011
Come on Europe Get up!!!!!!!!!!
Can we help to change our world ?
Can we have a true democracy??
Give us your opinion.
Can we have a true democracy??
Give us your opinion.
lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011
miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011
New Game
Hello Everybody!
How are things going?
Let's start a new game:
What is the missing word?
1. Today I will walk ________ to the allotment and watch the veg grow.
a) Lazy b) Lazily c) Lazier
Bonus question...
2. What's an allotment?
How are things going?
Let's start a new game:
What is the missing word?
1. Today I will walk ________ to the allotment and watch the veg grow.
a) Lazy b) Lazily c) Lazier
Bonus question...
2. What's an allotment?
miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011
Monkey Thieves
All you know August is not a good time to watch TV. BUT there is a great exception: "Monkey Thieves".
It is a mixture between a documental and a soap-opera, starred by a group of Monkeys. This is the plot:
Even Jaipur's monkeys are affected by the global credit crunch. As money becomes tight for the human residents of Jaipur, free handouts to the temple monkeys become ever more scarce. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that the Galta Gang (the monkeys group) has been so successful that their numbers have burgeoned to over one hundred individuals. When this happens, macaque troops undergo a process called fission: the group splits into two. This is because the territory can no longer support such a massive troop.
The matrilineal lines are sustained in the top half mother troop, but in the splinter group we see a big change in structure as previously middle-rankers like Bippin, Yash and Tito are suddenly accelerated to the heady heights of leadership potential.
Follow the Jaipur monkeys as the groups are forced to divide, friendships challenged and the hard times felt by all in Monkey Thieves.
The matrilineal lines are sustained in the top half mother troop, but in the splinter group we see a big change in structure as previously middle-rankers like Bippin, Yash and Tito are suddenly accelerated to the heady heights of leadership potential.
Follow the Jaipur monkeys as the groups are forced to divide, friendships challenged and the hard times felt by all in Monkey Thieves.
martes, 9 de agosto de 2011
London Calling
What is happening in London?. Back to The Clash?, Back to the 80's social disturbs?
Or it reminds Paris riots, some years ago.
Blackberry free chat
Technological products
Social differences
domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011
Tel Aviv demonstrate due to the high price on houses and slow salaries. One of the most important economy in the world struggling against society unhappiness. Social justice is often repeated in demonstrations.
Are nations social justice edges?. What about the global village?. Meanwhile we're asking for living better, Somalia is struggling to maintain life. Since I was a child, Somalia has suffer cyclic droughts, and the poor harvest causes devastating famine. But we are late again.
Yesterday, Jose Maria Carrascal, journalist, referred 15 Movement saying: They are "ocupas", they prefer doing nothing but working, instead of improving university, they only want houses for each one, and my favourite sentence "nadie puede ocupar un metro cubico publico, es delito". He was inmediatly replied inTwitter: "Ya sabéis, a esperar al autobus corriendo todos en circulo".
Opposite to this simplification, I read today an article by David Grossman talking about Tel Aviv demonstrations. Is the best reflection article I've read about this topic. I invinte you to read into english or spanish.
David Grossman: Window to a New Future
Una ventana a un futuro diferente
miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011
Far above the clouds (I)
(A new space of news opinion). (Opinions only represent the writer).
Yesterday was cleaned Puerta del Sol. A public space was completly closed by police and was banned to stay inside. It's interesting how public space has been transformed in a private one. How many public benches are today in Plaza Nueva Square. And how many terraces?. And what is more interesting; how many activities can be celebrated inside?. Festivals are the exception: concerts, revoltosa, meeting point. But during the year, how many activities are celebrated inside? and how many of these are free?. Sometimes, I miss funerals and weddings that were celebrated in the church located inside.
Perhaps the most private "space" of a person is their faith, their belif. Fedding this faith might be individual and, of course, free. Madrid World Youth Day, a meeting between the Pope and youth from around the world, is just the opposite: crowded and expensive celebration, more a Music Festival than a religious celebration. Tickets are sold from 30 to 210 eur.
Working on a public place-like in a regional parlament- must be a privilege. A privilege not because you can solve or cope with region problems. A privilege because, instead of struggling for debt problems in one of the most in debt spanish region, the parliment has passed a law to increase the salary of parliamentarian 4000 eur per year.
Nike premonition
Some time ago, a headline could be read in newspapers all around the world:
“Karlsplatz, one of Vienna’s main squares, is soon to be renamed Nikeplatz. Apart from the new name, it appears that a huge monument in the shape of Nike’s famous “Swoosh” logo will be built in Nikeplatz.”
It prompted a protest campaign in Austria. Finally, it was revealed it as an artistic project. Nike branding falls due to the hard and expensive legal campaign against the artist colective.
Today, Macael main square has been seized to settle a debt. The square belongs today to a real state company. Will this private company charge a tax to go inside their square?. Could be the main square if this happens?. Will this place change into a "todo incluído" square, where you pay before going into, and you can enjoy of drinkings and terraces, instead of what happens today, you must pay after drinking it?...
Yesterday was cleaned Puerta del Sol. A public space was completly closed by police and was banned to stay inside. It's interesting how public space has been transformed in a private one. How many public benches are today in Plaza Nueva Square. And how many terraces?. And what is more interesting; how many activities can be celebrated inside?. Festivals are the exception: concerts, revoltosa, meeting point. But during the year, how many activities are celebrated inside? and how many of these are free?. Sometimes, I miss funerals and weddings that were celebrated in the church located inside.
Perhaps the most private "space" of a person is their faith, their belif. Fedding this faith might be individual and, of course, free. Madrid World Youth Day, a meeting between the Pope and youth from around the world, is just the opposite: crowded and expensive celebration, more a Music Festival than a religious celebration. Tickets are sold from 30 to 210 eur.
Working on a public place-like in a regional parlament- must be a privilege. A privilege not because you can solve or cope with region problems. A privilege because, instead of struggling for debt problems in one of the most in debt spanish region, the parliment has passed a law to increase the salary of parliamentarian 4000 eur per year.
Nike premonition
Some time ago, a headline could be read in newspapers all around the world:
“Karlsplatz, one of Vienna’s main squares, is soon to be renamed Nikeplatz. Apart from the new name, it appears that a huge monument in the shape of Nike’s famous “Swoosh” logo will be built in Nikeplatz.”
It prompted a protest campaign in Austria. Finally, it was revealed it as an artistic project. Nike branding falls due to the hard and expensive legal campaign against the artist colective.
Today, Macael main square has been seized to settle a debt. The square belongs today to a real state company. Will this private company charge a tax to go inside their square?. Could be the main square if this happens?. Will this place change into a "todo incluído" square, where you pay before going into, and you can enjoy of drinkings and terraces, instead of what happens today, you must pay after drinking it?...
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