sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012

You can get it if you really want

Dear all,
We are pretty nervous, please give up your nervous out, and think in possitive,

We Can.! ( As Mr Obama said....)
Good Luck Queens

I have more songs to up our mood!

Ladies and gentlemen.. the real Queen of cosmetic surgery

How the hell you didn´t know Miss Dolly Parton, one of the greatest singers of all times.
Here with another american idol, Mr Kenny Rogers, singing this wonderful and magic song by the Bee Gees...
(Both share this moment but also a frantic affinity to cosmetic surgery)

Islands in the Stream" is the title of a song written by the Bee Gees and sung by American country music artists Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. It was released in August 1983 as the first single from Rogers' album Eyes That See in the Dark and the second pop number-one for both Rogers and Parton (Rogers having been there with 1980's "Lady" and Parton with 1981's "9 to 5"). They went on to record a Christmas album together, and had an additional hit with their 1985 duet "Real Love". The Gibbs originally wrote the song for Marvin Gaye in an R&B style, only later to change it for the Kenny Rogers album.[1]

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

"There shall be an Scottish Parliament"

This was the opening clause of the Scotland Act 1998 which led the following year to the establishment of the first Scottish Parliament since 1707.

What I like most in this Scotland capital sentence is the use of  shall, instead of will or must. Attending the finner nuances of this words:

Must: Could be understood as a kind of obligation, more than a desirable option.
Will: Could be understood as a future promise, but with no success guarranted.

So why is used shall, a verb that I have always understood as probability. Copying from WordReference:

 shall /ʃæl/ , weak forms /ʃlʲ/ , /ʃəl/ v mod (past should)
  1. (with 1st person)
    1. (in statements about the future): I/we ~ be very interested to see what happens 
    1. (making suggestions, asking for assent) The present tense is used in this type of question in Spanish ~ I open/close the window? 
  1. (with 2nd and 3rd persons) (in commands, promises etc): they ~ not pass no pasarán;
    thou shalt not steal
    ( Bib ) no robarás.

So, used with 3d persons, shall means commands, and promises. As strong as biblical ones.