miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

About Bardenas (II)

Reading the amazing article about Bardenas, I realized Terry Gilliam had been filming a Quijote version in Bardenas.

This desertic landscape has been shooted (filmed) in many movies. But I always recognise Bardenas in "Acción Mutante", where the desert is converted into "Planeta Axturias", a science fictional future planet.

That's the reason why I can't imagine Bardenas as La Mancha. La Mancha always has reminded me flat wheat countryside. Suddenly, mountains, shadows, and an absolute lack of vegetation (Bardena) changes the history into a futurist way, into an timeless non space. Is there where Quixote became an universal history.

If only Terry Gillian had met Pinturitas!!


5 comentarios:

  1. Excellent comentary Terrible Ivan.
    We have Bardenas next near Tudela, and we don't know how to appreciate this desert. I think that is now being discovered to make it known through advertisements, reports and promoting tourism in the area. It's pretty important. We must help and care. It is one of our treasures.
    Pinturitas is there too, drawing in Arguedas, nice place to visit.

  2. sorry, We have Bardenas near Tudela. It was a mistake to write next near. Sorry Queens.

  3. Queeen in Bardenas, We can be the main actors ... with LB, and another Queens...... amazing, Cool!
    LEA I will be invited too!

  4. Hi Queens,
    You should know that the Quijote film by Terry Gilliam was never released due to endless problems when shooting in Bardenas. You can see everything on the documentary film “Lost in La Mancha.
    As Ivan says, Bardenas was a kind of weird “La Mancha”, trying to move the plot to a futurist Quijote version, I guess. Anyway, a flabbergasted Gilliam faced all the nightmares he could ever imagine, terrible floods in the middle of this desert, a herniatec disc of his main actor, Jean Rochefort, unsolved problems with his insurance company and what most annoyed and surprised Gilliam, the constant noise from Nato planes practicing in the area. You can not imagen their faces under such unexpected spectacle.
    A film that it is worth seeing, sure!!

  5. Lady Beckam, than you for gossiping the histories that are whispered in Hollywood. Amazing info. You're such an artist!...
