jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Don Quixote

Lady Beckam explained the history behind Terry Gillian's "Don Quixote", shooted in Bardenas, in the fermer post; floodings, medical diseases, insurance problems and Nato planes noise...

Orson Welles also pursuited a film based on Cervantes novel. It never could be released due to constant problems with money. Firstly intended as a 30 min report that should be shooted in Mexico, Orson Welles developped the project as a complete movie, now shotted in Spain and Italy and paid by himself. Some scenes are situated in Pamplona!!.

Terry Gillian located Don Quixote in a non temporal environment, perhaps a futurist environment.
Orson Wells also moved Don Quixote in time: to the present.

Must be difficult to imagine Don Quixote nowadays. Being an insane today is not as easy as in the XVIIth century

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