jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011


TIME December cover : The man of the year: THE PROTESTERS.

Who are they?, where do they come from?... USA, Mexico, Spain, Greece, Egypt..., an international movement that has springing up the Atlantinc and could move to Pacific:  today has been published similar movement in the isolated Republic of China, where the 20.000 citizens city of Wukan has rebeled against the landowners and comunist party representant, in order to mantain their lands.


It's surprising how not only companys have been enjoying the privileges of globalization. Nowadays, with the aim of technology, civil society can also play a global role with no borders supported by state laws.

3 comentarios:

  1. I think 2011 will be the year where the citizens have been agains their goverments. At the beginning of the year in Tunez, Egyp, people were againts their political system. In May we saw the birth of new social movement, 15 M The indignants. Soon, this new movement was spreading throught the word. Their last place was in NY. Our Goverments should listen to this movement. It is very important because they are bringing new ideas to solve this critical situation.

  2. in my opinion, government are not going to hear, but other citiziens can do!. This is not a vertical revolution, this is an horizontal one...

  3. I agree with you Iva, but I am afraid if Goverments dond't liste to people, thhe horizontal revolution will not be possible.
