sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

September cultura

Are you ready for our next event?

Next: Friday 21st September
Place: Salon de Actos Padres Jesuitas ( nice place :) )  Tudela - Navarra
Time: 20.00 hous

With our Duck Queen as main actress....

IT'S FREE .....
Only for a good cause!!!!!
Come on!  Cheers up!!!!!

New Queens Activity. Cine Club

We wait for you in : Cine Moncayo
Date: 20Th,  September  Time: 20.15
Price: 5,00 Eurs. Not discounts    CRISIS!!!!!
(Nice film) VO with subtitles  in spanish :(

c u

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012


"Congratulations" is a song written by Bill Martin and Phil Coulter as the UK entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1968 on 6 April with Cliff Richard performing.
Phil Coulter originally wrote the song as "I Think I Love You", but was unsure of the lyrics and got together with Bill Martin (the same team that wrote "Puppet on a String"), who changed it to "Congratulations".[1] The song was immediately popular in the UK and became a number one single. On the day of the contest, it was the favourite to win, so much so that the British press were posing the question: "What will come 2nd to 'Congratulations'?"
During the voting, "Congratulations" was leading for much of the way until the penultimate vote when Germany gave Spain six points, putting them one point ahead of the United Kingdom.[2] It finished second losing to Spain's entry "La, la, la" by just one point, and was a huge hit throughout Europe. In 2008, documentary film-maker Montse Fernandez Vila claimed that the loss was the result of rigging of the Spanish vote by state television on behalf of General Franco's fascist regime.[3] However José María Íñigo, the person that made such claims in the documentary quickly said that his words were taken out of context and he never said such thing, and said that the channel that produced the documentary, laSexta, who was the promoter of the Spanish representative that year, Rodolfo Chikilicuatre, had manipulated his words to help promote their candidate. He said: "if there had been such a manipulation, it would have been for a different artist who had been closer to the regime".[4]
The song is still popular and was chosen to lead the show which celebrated 50 years of Eurovision and which was named after it: Congratulations. Also, Cliff Richard performed the song as part of the commemorations for the 50th anniversary of VE Day in 1995, despite its having been written long after the war's end.
George Harrison's song "It's Johnny's Birthday" from All Things Must Pass is based on this song.

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Albert and Claudia's son!

I like this song so much!... Never had I believed Albert Hamond has a relation to Albert Hamond Jr., part of this group... But the song is fantastic!... Enjoy the friday!... Today we will inaugurate the flower shop!... I hope karaoke is open!.

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Are you ready for the next Karaoke??

As Albert Hammond's fans, we want to introduce this mega hit. Starship singing Mannequin song. The film is a bit bizarre; man falling in love with a mannequin, living wild adventures around the history.

En 1992, Albert Hammond comentó en la BBC que "me inspiré en mi relación con ex-esposa Claudia, de la cual me divorcié despues de siete años de casados. En un principio pensé escribir esta canción para interpretarla en algún disco, ya que contaba la historia de mi boda y como nos habiamos conocido. Pero despues le dije sobre esto a Diane, le conté "nadie pudo detener esa boda con esa mujer pero despues de siete años nos dimos cuenta que no tuvimos éxito" y de ahí nace Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now ".

What I like most of this song story is that Albert wrote this song when he was not in love with Claudia. Writing such a pure love story from the mind, from the past, from the memory, when in your real life all this has disappeared. It should have been painful. At least, never has Albert lost his smile!...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Sr Albert Hammond

He was here, in Tudela, and you missed it.
Most of you don´t even know him.... Here is just a taste of this great composer and his music.

P.D. All real Queens should know this man, member of the OBE, Order of the British Empire

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012


Dear Queens, Dear followers ...
Ten months ago, when I was in English class, and we were studying different kind of art : street art ( yam bombing, graffiti ....) ancient art,modern art, ... suddenly I listened BANSKY. It was my first time. 
In my holidays, I was walking along the Hannover's Streets, when I saw something in the street, They were little yellow and orange price stickers. I remembered you. My question was: Really these little stickers deface the old town? Funny !
It's my souvernir for you !