jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Make it Count

7 comentarios:

  1. Another way to advertise. Casey Neistat was hired by Nike to advertise his brand. Only the creativity of Casey Neistat could make this advertisement. Behind the publicity is the creativity. Publicity is not static, is dynamic and constantly evolving.
    What does "Make it Count" mean??? Only you and your mind. Be creative ...

  2. Its easy to be creative when Nike is paying... Travelling, Paris... Pink coloured history about a man discovering the world... CocaCola Happiness essence.

    Its more creative to make a advertising without being payed by Nike... And discover that Nike was worried about the damage in the branch two artist could do to a multinational company...

    1. Be creative please. If you work, you need to be paid by somebody. No one work for free ;) And I my humble opinon, I consider this video Grea, cool!! Regrettably not everybody has the same opinion or see things eye to eye. We can discuss .... and of course, express our opinion. Nike has done a great advertisement.

  3. Well, I think you like the video due to the girls in short bikini....

    But great advertisment, finally

  4. Why do youtube videos show a middle picture of the video? I mean, you see the girls in bikini, then you open the video and it has nothing to do, it's just a single sequence of th video

  5. Josemi: this is the link:
