martes, 3 de abril de 2012

After Debate

Her majesty, the Queen, wants to congratulate to the Opposition Team of the debate celebrated yesterday in EOI of Tudela. She is very proud not only of you but also to the other team too. Both made a big effort but only one could win the debate. CONGRATULATIONS.

It is said that we must celebrate several things, Apart from the victory, the Anniversaries of several Queens.... first was Mai, another more is celebrating her birthday. Congratulations for all of you.

BTW Vicky, Congratulations too!

2 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations her Majesty, fotr your 60 year of service to her people and her country. I hope you are serving to your people and your countre a lot of years.. God Saves the Queen!

  2. Congratulations to the Queen, to the meat eaters, to the vegetarians, to the audience, to Mai, to vicky.... congratulations everybody.....
