lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Looking for Nessie!

Yesterday I was visiting this amazing sculpture made by Nathan Coley.

The sculpture text (There will be no miracles here) has been taken from a 17th Century royal proclamation made in a French town believed to have been the frequent site of miracles.

In the 17th Century town didn't want to have miracles in. Could we say the same about the 20th Century?

The metalic structure in an empty green space reminded me my favourite Fellini's "Dolce Vita" scene: The miracle. (the scene is recreated in the upper part of this photograph). Temporal structures in an empty grassfield to provide lighting to the "miracle" that is going to happen during the night. A miracle that has been advertised and is repeating each week.

Berlanga talks clearly about the issue in his recommendable film "Los jueves milagro". The main turistic attraction in an small village in Spain -a bathhouse- has lost popularity and the incomes to the village have deeply decreased. The solution, where all the village is involved, is create a new turistic attraction: a miracle.

Pepe Isbert as a holy ghost in "Los Jueves Milagro".

So I have started talking about Scotland, and I must end talking about the most famous animal in Scotland: Ness lach monster (Nessie).

The 2nd May 1933, Alex Cambell, a part-time journalist in the Inverness Courier (Marcello Mastroianni performs in la Dolce Vita a similar role: a journalist covering social events in the 60's Rome), reported the first time any information of the Monster. 
4 months later, the first photographs were published in The Daily Express.

As Berlanga foretelled in his film, the miracle can became a bussiness, and the monster is nowadays one of the favourite souvenirs in Scotland. Dress on typical dresses, stamp in t/shirts, as a muppet with his Scottish hat...

Unfortunatelly, although many people is visiting the loch every year, for the moment, "there has not been miracles there".

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

I would like to invite you reading this unusual and painful article about a girl called Claire Squilled, that unfortunately collapsed in St James Park (in front of Buckingham P.) during the last Sunday London Marathon.

While I was reading the history, I couldn't stop thinking in the film "They shoot horses, don-t they?", film that was released in Spain with the less poetic title "Danzad, danzad malditos"...

If you read the article carefully you can find an unusual business in the limit of the human, that must be common in the UK. You can get a donation to a Charity (Non Gubernamental Organizations) by achieving an extreme goal. As it is said in the article, Clare recieved a £1500!! (2000 euros) donation to her Charity by climbing the Kilimanjaro!!... Several questions come to my mind: How expensive is climbing the Kilimanjaro?.   (Cheaper than £1500, I hope), Is it rational to be blackmailed (chantajeado) by the donor to get such a poor donation exposing your own health?. Could you remember Simpsons chapter when Homer is selected to foster energetic food by climbing the Murderhorn?

In the film "TSH, DT", public payed to see other people suffering during a ball marathon. There was 1929 recession and people was desesperated enought to ball during hours by recieving some food, and public needed to be entertained (and needed to feel more luckily than other, also).

Claire was promised to recieve £500 after finished the Marathon. Her tragic death has refunded more than a millon. Economically it works. So could it became a terrify way of refunding, by touching the public with heroical histories?.

As film is subtitled: "People are the ultimate spectacle"

martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Where is ........... ?

One of our most popular Queens is lost in UK?
He can't find the way to retunr to Queens World!!!!!!!

In all places he has visited , he has left a deep footprint ............
Please help us to find him.......

There will have some awards.... to the winner ..........

Pippa's "pipa"

Following the latest royal tradition of showing, using and shooting fire weapons, Pippa Middelton has been involved in such an embarrassing situation

martes, 3 de abril de 2012

After Debate

Her majesty, the Queen, wants to congratulate to the Opposition Team of the debate celebrated yesterday in EOI of Tudela. She is very proud not only of you but also to the other team too. Both made a big effort but only one could win the debate. CONGRATULATIONS.

It is said that we must celebrate several things, Apart from the victory, the Anniversaries of several Queens.... first was Mai, another more is celebrating her birthday. Congratulations for all of you.

BTW Vicky, Congratulations too!