sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

What else?

8 comentarios:

  1. My goodness, this is really amazing.
    As far as I was concerned, Cossío was a kind of encyclopedia about bulls and all the world arround them, the bull´s bible we could call it.
    It also gives name to one of our favourites pubs in our town as it is where the local royalty use to gather. Nice atmosphere, open minded people, intellectual conversations, no gossip or flirtings.. just glamour!!

    But then, this pictures shows us that Cossío was a great teacher back in the last century, a brilliant mind who innovated the world of pedagogy. Interesting isn´t it?

    1. We can learn the art of torear in cosio. Do you fancy?

    2. First lesson already taken......

      but it is in modern version.... beer belly ones instead of bulls...

  2. I agree with LB... No gossiping or flirting allowed in Cossio Pub. It is why I love royalty... No beer belly ones asking "Have we met before?"... Royalty is Royalty...

    From Wikipidia
    Uno de sus colaboradores en su magna obra sobre la tauromaquia fue el poeta Miguel Hernández. Parece ser que, tras la Guerra Civil, Cossío, bien relacionado en el bando de los vencedores, utilizó sus influencias para lograr que a Hernández se le conmutase la condena a muerte por la cadena perpetua. Fue amigo también de poetas de la generación del 27 como Gerardo Diego, con quien mantuvo una extensa correspondencia.

    When a poet in The Cat to the water?

    1. Have we met before? Yessss... you have just got divorce!!!

      Royal conversations....

  3. The teacher you talked about, LB, is Manuel Bartolomé (the bull one is Jose María).
    MB wrote things like:

    "El pago a los maestros".
    "El arte de saber ver".

    (Thanks wikipidia and Cossio Pub for enlarging our knowledge)...

    1. Largely proven that Cossío is a universe of knowledge

    2. How his fame has decreased so much?

      Royal conversations...

      Sorry because my beer belly don't let me kiss you... I have seen you before... You are divorced, Maña....
