miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Yarn bombing in Tudela!!!

The Royal Palace
The offenders


7 comentarios:

  1. Definitely, Art has evolved. New trends don't deface all places, here we can admire how a new trend, Yarn Bombing (I must admit he did not know this new trend. Yarn Bombing trend has been enhanced with the elegance of this royal palace balustrade of an acquaintance of Tudela.
    ;) Nice. Cool.

  2. But where are the Persian rugs?
    I'm afraid that will be in the palace of one of our queens.

  3. It is said that this action still hasn´t been claimed by any yarning group.
    Local police is also confused as nobody has lodge a complaint up to this moment.

    Gossips believe that the action could have been spoilt by a neighbour that could have taken advantage of the situation without saying anything.....

  4. But, where is the scarf? We'll have to watch the neighbours to find out who has it!

  5. Nobody underdstand the new trend "Yarn Bombing". After days having studied new trends in Art such as Grafitti, Yarn Bombing, etc And after having created our own work of art, we were caught. What a pity! but I wonder where is the terrible "queens"?

  6. You´re just great! I couldn´t help laughing out loud! Thanks a lot! You´ve made my day!
