lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

Art: What do you think?

9 comentarios:

  1. Is this what is called "trampantojo"?...

  2. May be, but for me is street art in all senses. The best thing of this "trend" is that you never deface buildings, streets, and people who draw or paint in the street are great artist. I have seen this kind of art in Festivasl in July. Art or Vandalism? Art of course.

  3. Am I missing something? Trampantojo?????

  4. trampantojo.

    (De trampa ante ojo).

    1. m. coloq. Trampa o ilusión con que se engaña a alguien haciéndole ver lo que no es.

    It is only a painting in the floor. Amazing.

  5. Sorry Queens Ivan, It is a painting ON the floor. Amazing.

  6. Jeniffer Lopez has been reminding me since the summer...

    .Dance the night away
    Live your life ,and stay young on the floor.

  7. eyyy pedazo de trampantojos
    where is the radio? I can't find it

  8. On the blog. Queen U2.
    There are some interesting programms. If you want to be interwieved, you will be the next one. Of course you are invited to participate! Queen U2

  9. it's simply great!
    I could stop laughing
