martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Aviles debate

7 comentarios:

  1. Frankly good job Ivan. You have a great imagination. The place is very nice, so I think Woody Allen would chose Asturias in his films. I have never been in Asturias, so I hope to heart from you more things about Asturias. LEA I didn't say us anything ;)

  2. Sometimes nightmares can be worthy...

    I worry as It looks Niemeyer center is kind of burning???

    Thanks Terrible... real fun...

  3. Is this "ephymeral things that happen in public spaces?

  4. I love the characters and their speech! Not to mention their voices... Arantxa, I´m sure you´ll agree with me.
    Where have I seen these actors before? The setting sounds familiar to me too. :)
    Keep posting!

  5. Dear LB, you made a mistake I think, correct me if I am wrong. In stead of "Ephymeral things it wouldn't be Ephemeral???? It sounds me better. Only an appretiation. only that! In my humble opinion.

  6. You're great! Nobody but you could have done something like this!

  7. Queens Mai, Ivan is Ivan. there isn't words to describe him. Ivan is Great. I wish I knew to use my imagination as well as Ivan. Things would go better. sure! but I think it's something that all Queens and fans should learn from him.
