domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011

Picu Ciacal (656m)

Open Mining Industry

Picu Ciacal

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Terrible....
    I´m very happy to see you are alive and back!!
    Thanks for sharing with us your knowledge about spanish history, maquis and environmental matters...
    Beautiful landscapes... It remains me to a abandoned vineyard.

    I love your new friend.. Please bring her to the class tomorrow...

    By the way, you should see "El laberinto del Fauno", great film about Maquis...

  2. I haven't seen El laberinto... I should...
    It's said is a great film. I believed it was a science fiction film, but perhaps i am wrong..

  3. I've found "maquis" in wikipedia, and I have to apologise to those who can feel uncomfortable due to my coment.

    It musn't be a chance that the most important group of makis in spain were the Leones-Gallego group, located in the mining valleys in Leon-Asturias, where mining industries had generated workers, sindicalism and political ideas.
