domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

The Economist focus on 15M movement

The Economist; authoritative weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news and opinion, focus on 15M movement to write this article, about how movement is achieving its goals by new laws, proposals or new moods. Is also emphasized the pacific, "polite", face of the movement.

Europe's most earnest protesters

They may not know what they want, but they are starting to get it

8 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for your article Ivan. Very interesting.
    I think our goverment and all parties, should begin to see themselves before acting. They earn a lot of money, while population can't afford their mortgages or are losing their jobs. I thing The indignants is a real movement, and it will change the history of our country, besides European History, due to this movement has been extended to another european countries. Thank you!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I completely disagree with you. Indignats can't change the world. But they (we) can change their (own) world. And each one is responsible. I am moved each time people helps people with problems with mortage, to, at least, show that there is a problem, more than a property, more than a mortgage... That's the spirit.

    Rupert Murdoch's empire problems also follows 15M spirit. Rebeka Brooks, that used to pay people to do illegal things, was firstly promoted in the empire. Today she is at police station. This is the spirit: The bad ones can't be an example to society.

    Scotland Yard's director has left his position because close polices were involve too. Responsability, dignity, or whatever. A director can't deal with this scandal.

    And finally, about Liz Salander (Millenium) and South's Queen... Both of them make us think about a question: Justice vs. Law, what is first?.

  4. I agree with you. But I think you didn't understand the mean of my words. The indignants can change our world, they are doing history in Spain and in the rest of Europe.
    I agree with you in your question: Justice vs Law. What's the first? Hard question. But about this question should think our politicians before acting. They earn a lot of money and most of them without doing anything. for example, remember the senator who was in a Citas House with his son......

  5. I love that story!!!: In the mood for vulgarity.

    The main problem to the senator is how to call the Citas House to seem that it is not a Citas House Sauna Bath.

    But the senator has two more problems:

    1- Power Clasism: Do you know with whom you're talking?... You work to me... etc. etc.

    2- Male Machism: disdain behaviour with "workers" in CitaHouse.

    3- Perhaps the worse of this behaviour is that is hereditary. Going to the BathHouse with the thrity year-olded son, like a training, to learn how we must treat the others, seem to me too awful...

    But an article has surprised me... is a short one. Have a look

    And about how much a senator earns from our taxes:


  6. clasism. Totally agree with you. Before I wanted to tell you about your second link. The salary that they earn.
    15 M's movement, was born to solve and to denounce to all politicians. Our country should have another politicians. Thinking in people, in your country is the best thing that all politician should do. First your country (and all their problems). They are working for our country, for us!

  7. Yeah!... That's the point: they work for us, and we are responsible of the way they're doing...

    I love this article because express the same idea, but it is not referred to politics or 15M (was written weeks before). It talks about football. I hope you like.

    It would be: I love this article because it expresses the same idea.
    Don't panic!
