sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011

Merry Christmas Queens

 The Best Queens!!!!!!!!!!


Really our Best and wondeful Queens. Queens Real


  The Best Queens wish you .....
With all our best wishes for Christmas and New Year ....


6 comentarios:

  1. Mariah stroking a rabbit...

    I have definetly seen all !!!

  2. Ivan, Mariah Carey is Funny, great brilliant. This song is wonderful. I don't like too much Christmas but each time I listen to this song I fell better. I love Mariah Carey. Only Brilliant. I wish I could meet wiht her someday!...... perhaps next year ???? Who knows!
    I am sorry, but I don't know how to download music to put in our wonderful photos, so Youtube is useful, believe.

  3. Admittedly, these pics can be misleading. Nobody would expect them to bear witness to the real situation: a duck and some others being crown as sovereigns! Some people would just regard them as a group of ... after having left Burger King!

    BTW, have you ever heard about "Coronation chicken" before? It is a cold dish of cooked chicken (not rare) served in a sauce flavoured with apricots and curry powder? If you like cooking, you can try it during this winter break...

  4. "Coronation chicken"? It sounds good, but won't it be too strong for weak stomachs?
