domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

Happy 24th birthday, Mr. Manning

Bradley Manney is the United States Army soldier who was arrested in May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of having passed restricted material to the website WikiLeaks.

Behind this aseptical definition, and bearing in mind the risk of being biased,  should be recognised the responsability, risk an ethical behaviour in a days those have became unfashionable characteristics.

In November 2009,  the Apache helicopter video entitled "colateral damage" was given to Wikileaks. The video shows an attack from an US helicopter to a group disarmed irak civils, and was an evidence of how was managing the war, of perhaps how are manage wars.

But how a 23 year-olded soldier become the most important telltale since Vietnam war? As he said:

The turning point came when he watched a group of detenies he had been told to investigate been taken by Iraki federal police, almost suddenly to be tortured.

"I was actively involved in something that i was completely against"

Daniel Ellsberg, the soldier who leaks Vietnam papers in 1969 talks about his experience:

In my case, it was when finally, when I looked at the origins of the world, there were no legitimal basis to killing vietnames, I began to see all killing as murders, and murders seem to me something that had to be stopped even if it could me imprision to do it.
Bradley Manning has shown his wllness to give his life, his freedom for his country, and you can't be more patriotic than that.

 He has been imprisoned and cassified as a "maximum custody detainee". He has been supported by international-amnesty and Human Right Watch, that have accused army of torture. According to some close frineds, he was allowed to kkep one book in his cell, requesting Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.

Nowadays Bradley Manning is being judged by 22 charges, including "aiding the enemy", a capital offense.

Manning was one of 241 candidates listed for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.

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