miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Phrasal Verb --- Exercise ----

Phrasal verb swat up .....

Put the phrasal verbs in the correct sentence and explain their meanings.

1.- Ok chill out dude, there's no need to _________ ___________ a fuss.
2.- But if he doesn't pull his own weight we will have to ______ him ____ of the flat.
3.- We could ask Paolo to live wiht us, he's been ______ing ______ for a long time and he's a nice guy.

a) Kick out b) Kick around c) Kick up

Come on Queens Wake up!!!!!!!!!

1 comentario:

  1. 1.- C Kick up: to Kick up a fuss: Armar un escandalo.
    2.- A Kick out: echar a patadas o sacar a patadas.
    3.- B Kick around: deambular
