miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Far above the clouds (I)

(A new space of news opinion). (Opinions only represent the writer).


Yesterday was cleaned Puerta del Sol. A public space was completly closed by police and was banned to stay inside. It's interesting how public space has been transformed in a private one. How many public benches are today in Plaza Nueva Square. And how many terraces?. And what is more interesting; how many activities can be celebrated inside?. Festivals are the exception: concerts, revoltosa, meeting point. But during the year, how many activities are celebrated inside? and how many of these are free?. Sometimes, I miss funerals and weddings that were celebrated in the church located inside.

Perhaps the most private "space" of a person is their faith, their belif. Fedding this faith might be individual and, of course, free. Madrid World Youth Day, a meeting between the Pope and youth from around the world, is just the opposite: crowded and expensive celebration, more a Music Festival than a religious celebration. Tickets are sold from 30 to 210 eur.

Working on a public place-like in a regional parlament- must be a privilege. A privilege not because you can solve or cope with region problems. A privilege because, instead of struggling for debt problems in one of the most in debt spanish region, the parliment has passed a law to increase the salary of parliamentarian 4000 eur per year.

Nike premonition
Some time ago, a headline could be read in newspapers all around the world:
“Karlsplatz, one of Vienna’s main squares, is soon to be renamed Nikeplatz. Apart from the new name, it appears that a huge monument in the shape of Nike’s famous “Swoosh” logo will be built in Nikeplatz.”
It prompted a protest campaign in Austria. Finally, it was revealed it as an artistic project. Nike branding falls due to the hard and expensive legal campaign against the artist colective.

Today, Macael main square has been seized to settle a debt. The square belongs today to a real state company. Will this private company charge a tax to go inside their square?. Could be the main square if this happens?. Will this place change into a "todo incluído" square, where you pay before going into, and you can enjoy of drinkings and terraces, instead of what happens today, you must pay after drinking it?...

3 comentarios:

  1. I agree with the most arguments show in the article. Squares should have more activities for all kind of people, and use it during all year not only when there is some special event.
    About our darling politicians .... I am totally agree with the article. Why are the increasing their salaries? Why? Our world is living in an enormous crisis and the behaviour of our politicians is not correct. Apparently they are working for us and in fact they are working for their own interest. Democracy is dying little by little.
    All of we should build a better world. We can discuss more about this topic. ;)

