lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Are you ready for the next Karaoke??

As Albert Hammond's fans, we want to introduce this mega hit. Starship singing Mannequin song. The film is a bit bizarre; man falling in love with a mannequin, living wild adventures around the history.

En 1992, Albert Hammond comentó en la BBC que "me inspiré en mi relación con ex-esposa Claudia, de la cual me divorcié despues de siete años de casados. En un principio pensé escribir esta canción para interpretarla en algún disco, ya que contaba la historia de mi boda y como nos habiamos conocido. Pero despues le dije sobre esto a Diane, le conté "nadie pudo detener esa boda con esa mujer pero despues de siete años nos dimos cuenta que no tuvimos éxito" y de ahí nace Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now ".

What I like most of this song story is that Albert wrote this song when he was not in love with Claudia. Writing such a pure love story from the mind, from the past, from the memory, when in your real life all this has disappeared. It should have been painful. At least, never has Albert lost his smile!...

3 comentarios:

  1. Dramática escena final en el video, con el maniquí entrando en la acuchilladora... Ni el mejor indiana jones!

  2. I was absolutely flabbergasted when he sang this song the other day in Gaztambide Teather.. one of the anthems of my adolescencia. I remember the film, Andrew MacCarthy was so cute.... Although the film is quite silly, the song is great and it was nominated to the Oscar Awards.

    But I´m confused with your post.. Ex-wife Claudia? As far as I know he is currently married to an argentinian Lady called Claudia.. She was with him in Campos magazine and they looked truly in love. Did they re-marry? Is he obsessed with ladies called Claudia?

    1. Dear Lady did you see Maria Teresa Campos last Saturday? Qué tiempo tan Feliz, with your Albert Hamond and his wife Claudia. And why not did you go to see NANCIS RUBIAS????? It is said Ivan was in the first file and after the concert, he went out with them to learn to do more terrible things... believe me! It is said .... but I am not sure. Ask him!
