sábado, 30 de junio de 2012


The third finalist of the MINI-SAGA contest still remains anonymous...
The author may be one of our Queens....
Please feel free to guess who wrote it and interpret the hidden meaning under these misterious words....

YOU HAVE BEEN SPOTTED (third finalist)

Just look at them, sitting there all smug, silently schewing. You are not aware of the danger. You are surrounded by wicked creatures waiting for their best shot like vultures before dinner. Then, during your ritual stroll to the main square, a stock finds its target. you have been spotted!

3 comentarios:

  1. Might be "Gossip" and you as the centre of gossips. What does "schewing" mean? I don't find the meaning. But I think there will be another meaning of the third finalist.... More Discussions please!!!

  2. I think the author is talking about shopping on sales. It simply express how I used to feel when I saw a D&G on Harrods sales and a bunch of wicked creatures tried to take it from my hands.... Thanks God I don´t go on sales anymore... so dangerous and ordinary

    smug, schewing, stroll, stock... interesting words starting with S....

    1. "Shopping" ??? might be ... but the author is talking from the point of view of the stock? or from another point of view..... Metaphors.... A game of words ... smug, schewing ( I don't find the meaning in the dictionary, plesase tell me the meaning..) stroll, stock..... all starting with S It looks like a game of Dan Brown.....
