viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011


Lady Beckham, that's a convincent point but, what about this?...
(Andy Warhol hadn't ever done anything similar)

Sam Taylor-Wood entitled (obviusly) "El sueño de David". In Spain, Thyssen Museum renamed as "El sueño de Endimión", to take part in the exhibition "Las lágrimas de Eros". This change in name is itself a masterpiece.

Following Greek mithology, Endimión was said the precursor of Olympics games. Other version claims that he was such a handsome shepherd that Selene (Moon Goddess) asked Zeus to let him live for ever. He was grateful with her, so decided to sleep forever. She had been visiting every night. They had 50 daughters.

Guillermo Solana, "El sueño de Eros" curator, should be considered an artist. He achives justify this video in the exhibition, and get a relation between the other pieces.

Tita, worried about Endimión vast family, allowed to sell condoms in the museum shop.

(Tita issued a stunning declaration to the Guardian, in the next link)

4 comentarios:

  1. Perhaps I am a clasic person, but I am afraid that I will have to get used to seeing these new trends like actual art or modern art.


    Price William, you are more than clasic, you are from the middle ages!!

  3. What are you thinking LB?
    I don't know what, but I am sure Hallowen night was terrorific, amazing for you. Share with us all your sweets that you received in that terrorific night, by the way, I was there but I didn't see you, I looked like the father of the kids jejeje. Then I was Prince Williams
